Some Facts to Know About Tooth Extractions

September 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Bryan Villescas @ 4:09 pm
Dentist showing patient their X-rays

Tooth extraction is the procedure where one or more tooth gets removed because of any dental condition or as a part of a dental treatment. Tooth extractions are chosen as the last option by the dentist in 33952, when the tooth is damaged or infected beyond repair.

Reasons for Getting Teeth Extracted

According to dentist for tooth extractions in Port Charlotte, FL, the following reasons make tooth extraction necessary:

  • Overcrowding

If your mouth is overcrowded, it may need to get one or more teeth extracted. During the orthodontic work, the tooth may need to be removed for straightening the remaining teeth and making room for others, so that they can move to the desired place.

  • Damaged and Decayed Teeth

The dentist in Port Charlotte, FL always tries to save your natural tooth as long as possible. However, when the damage from an injury or decay is beyond repair, the only right solution is to extract them so that you can get rid of the pain.

  • Need Replacement

If your tooth gets chipped or broken beyond the point of repair, you must get it extracted. You may need an implant or bridge for replacing the existing teeth.

  • Wisdom Teeth

Your wisdom teeth appear between the ages of 17 and 24. Some people have painful wisdom tooth, which needs to be extracted. The impacted wisdom tooth leads to swelling, pain, and discomfort so tooth removal is the only option.

Types of Tooth Extraction

  • Simple Extraction

Simple extraction is used for removing teeth that are visible. It is relatively simple and you can leave the office immediately after the extraction.

  • Surgical Extraction

According to the dentist in Port Charlotte, the surgical extractions are performed when the teeth is not accessible such as impacted teeth. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia in a specialized clinic.

You can use cold compress for managing the pain and soreness after extraction. Also, avoid spitting and squishing so that the blood clot can form. You must have softer food items and prevent chewing from the side of extraction. Brushing and flossing just like before is recommended.